The Shoes Blog

shoes 4 preview 2 released!


Hey shoesers, At long last, we’ve finally gotten the next pre-release version (4.0.0.pre2) of Shoes out onto Rubygems. Hurray!

You can install the gem with this simple command:

gem install shoes --pre

The biggest change (aside from nice new features and bug fixes listed in our neatly updated CHANGELOG!) is that Shoes now ships as three separate gems:

The gem command should pick up those additional dependencies, though, so you still only have to say gem install shoes --pre to get the latest goodness.

As always, we’d love for you to try it out and let us know of any bugs you see along the way.

Huge thanks to all the awesome folks who contributed to this release. <3

If you’re interested in the details, here goes the changelog:

4.0.0.pre2 (438 commits)

New features (2)

Improvements (36)

Bug Fixes (32)

Contributors (16)

Jason R. Clark, Eric Watson, Tobias Pfeiffer, KC Erb, Charles Chamberlain, George, Marcell Monteiro Cruz, Glenn Murray, Jason Clark, Tim Krajcar, glenn-murray-bse, KCErb, PeterWAWood, Suirtimed, ashbb, Carlos R Tirado

Shoes on!