The Shoes Manual


The TextBlock object represents a group of text organized as a single element. A paragraph containing bolded text, for example. A caption containing links and bolded text. (So, a caption is a TextBlock type. However, link and strong are TextClass types.)

All of the various types of TextBlock are found on the Element Creation page.

contents() » an array of elements

Lists all of the strings and styled text objects inside this block.

Replaces the text of the entire block with the characters of a string.

text() » a string

Return a string of all of the characters in this text box. This will strip off any style or text classes and just return the actual characters, as if seen on the screen.

Replaces the text of the entire block with the characters of a string.

to_s() » a string

An alias for text. Returns a flattened string of all of this TextBlock's contents.

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